Reporting Requirements

All Sustainable Jersey for Schools grant recipients are required to submit progress reports. The specific reporting requirements vary based on the amount of the grant award. Reports are submitted using an online report form. Grant recipients will receive a reminder email with instructions for completing the online report form at least 30 days prior to the report due date.

Grant recipients are required to hold ribbon-cutting ceremonies and install signage at the project site (where applicable) that recognizes Sustainable Jersey for Schools and the cycle funder. Signage that fails to recognize both will need to be remade. Sustainable Jersey for Schools should be invited to attend ribbon-cutting ceremonies and will extend the invitation to the cycle funder. The positive public relations exposure from these events and signage enables Sustainable Jersey for Schools to attract and retain grant cycle funders. These expenses can be billed to the grant.

Failure to complete interim and final reports by the deadline may impact future grant eligibility.


Large Grant Awards ($10,000 and Up)

An interim status report is due nine months after a grant is awarded.  A final report is due 18 months after the grant is awarded.

Interim Report


This report answers the question, "where are you?" through a description of project progress, a list of expenditures to date, photos, and an explanation of any modifications to the original project plan in the grant proposal. All project modifications must be pre-approved by Sustainable Jersey for Schools. For more information about project modifications, click here.

Final Report


The mandatory final report must document completion of the project described in the original application.  Final report sections include:

  • Project completion summary
  • Variations from the original proposal (significant modifications must have been pre-approved by Sustainable Jersey)
  • At least 2 photos of green team activities related to the grant
  • Grant impact
  • Community outreach efforts
  • Lessons learned
  • Project expenditures including documentation (i.e. ledgers, receipts, etc.) and submission of a completed Budgeted Vs. Actual Expenses form
  • Sample project-related materials (i.e. articles, flyers, reports, or other educational materials)
  • Evidence that Sustainable Jersey for Schools and the grant cycle funder were recognized in project signage (where applicable) and project-related materials
  • Grantee certification declaration page

Complete Final Report

Final Payment


Final payment, representing the remaining 50% balance of the grant, will be sent upon receipt and approval of the final report.


$2,000 Grant Awards

A final report is due one year after the grant is awarded. The final report must document the completion of the grant activities as outlined in the original application. All project modifications must be preapproved by Sustainable Jersey for Schools. For more information about project modifications, click here

Final report sections include:

  • Project completion summary
  • Variations from the original proposal (significant modifications must have been pre-approved by Sustainable Jersey)
  • At least 2 photos of green team activities related to the grant
  • Grant impact
  • Community outreach efforts
  • Lessons learned
  • Project expenditures (i.e. itemized list of expenses) and submission of a completed Budgeted Vs. Actual Expenses form
  • Sample project-related materials (i.e. articles, flyers, reports, or other educational materials)
  • Evidence that Sustainable Jersey and the grant cycle funder was recognized in project signage (where applicable) and project related materials
  • Grantee certification declaration page

Complete Final Report


Questions regarding grant projects can be directed to or 609-771-3189