New Jersey Schools Boards Association Conference

The annual New Jersey School Boards Association Conference in October is a highlight of the year for Sustainable Jersey for Schools staff. The Sustainable Jersey for Schools Certification Awards Ceremony, our booth on the exhibit floor, and our conference sessions are great opportunities to meet new Sustainable Jersey for Schools community members, reconnect with colleagues from certified schools, and share best practices, resources and success stories related to critical sustainability issues. Download presentations from Sustainable Jersey for Schools conference sessions since 2016 below.


2023 Sustainable Jersey NJSBA Presentations

Sustainable Jersey for Schools held ten sessions during NJSBA Workshop October 23-26. View the sessions presentations below.  Sessions are listed in the order they took place.

Take Action! Develop a District Climate Action Plan
Monday, October 24, 11:00am - 12:30pm

Hopewell Valley School District will share its climate action plan's inspiration, process, and development. The session will also provide guidance and strategies on how districts can create their climate action plan and what roles school board members and administrators play in adopting the plans.

View Presentation

Best Practices in Managing Technology for Greater Effectiveness

Discover how to develop a comprehensive technology integration plan aligned with educational goals, ensuring equitable access to technology and creating a secure and reliable technology infrastructure and management plan for your school district.

View Presentation


Previous Presentations

Click on the year to view a list of the sessions and download the presentations.